Dispatches from Babyville

Holy crap, we have a baby!

River’s nicknames May 13, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — funkneubauer @ 2:16 pm

Here are some nick names we have thought up for River, we welcome other suggestions.


The Riv




Rivbot 2000

Babytron 3000

Bram Stoker’s Rivula


8 Responses to “River’s nicknames”

  1. Melinda Says:

    Ben suggests Rivulet, the Colorado River, Rio Pico (translates as Little River), and Geraldo Rivera.

    I still like Little Stream.

  2. Mimi Says:

    River del Rio

  3. Mimi Says:

    Kristin, isn’t that “Brain” Stoker?

  4. Nicole Says:

    Hah! “Bram Stoker’s Rivula” made me snort mashed potatoes out my nose! I also like Ben and Melinda’s suggestions very much.

    Here’s a couple more:
    -Rivre (en francais!)
    -River Foriver! (What tweens will write on their Trapper Keeper 9000x-es in 2028 when River is a dance-pop sensation)

    Dang, it IS really hard to find nicknames for “River.” Good job, guys. Her elementary years will be smooth sailing. (No pun intended.)

  5. rece Says:

    I finally got River some birthday presents but don’t have her address. Would you please e-mail me the address and a phone number. Thanks, rece@valp.net
    PS My phone number is 850-664-6833

  6. Kristin Says:

    My favorite thing to call her these days is “Bot,” because I was calling her Riverbot and Snugglebot so much. Also, Snuggletron is good.

  7. Kristin Says:

    LOL, yes that’s “Brain” Stoker. Mimi (Darren’s mom) and I actually found it printed in a book that way.

  8. Heather Says:

    Cry me a River

    I also like Snugglebot.

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